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Our addiction to economic growth is killing us...

In this 10th August 2017 BBC Viewsnight, anthropologist Jason Hickel debunks GDP as a pertinent yardstick of national performance. His message strongly echoes the relentless work of GIST for pushing towards measuring Inclusive Wealth - a metrics that reflects human wellbeing by accounting for environmental and social costs to society. This is the next stage in our work on measuring sustainability in Indian States, since the publishing of the Green Accounting for Indian States Project (GAISP) monographs, more than a decade ago!

Establishing a Green Accounting System for Sri Lanka

Pavan Sukhdev, UNEP, and GIST were honoured to be welcomed in Sri Lanka by the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy. This video features the inauguration session and  Pavan's keynote speech on "Measuring Sustainable Development: The Importance of Green Accounting for Moving Beyond GDP", in the context of the workshop hosted by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, in partnership with the Blue Green Economy Finance Faculty (BEFF Sri Lanka).

What is "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)"

Pavan Sukhdev introduces the concept of TEEB in this video. He speaks about the importance of measuring in order to manage. Its principal objective of TEEB is to mainstream the values of biodiversity and ecosystem services into decision-making at all levels and it aims to achieve this goal by demonstrate their values in economic terms, where appropriate, to enable decision-makers recognize and capture those values in decision-making.

LSE lecture on "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity"

Pavan Sukhdev at London School of Economics and Political Science chaired by Dr Giles Atkinson. Pavan talks about the conflicts and potential confluence between economics and nature.

TED talk "Put a value on nature" 

An eye opening TED talk by Pavan Sukhdev about the economic invisibility of nature. In this talk Pavan argues that if Mother Nature would charge us for all the services provided by her, then perhaps humans would consume more cautiously. The parity brought on this ground can itself lead to both intergenerational and intra-generational equity.

Sustainability at Deutsche Bank "Theory of sustainable entrepreneurship"

Pavan Sukhdev presents his theory of sustainable entrepreneurship at Deutsche Bank. Pavan's key demands: Natural capital must no longer be free of charge and taxation must target resource use, not profits.

Sukhdev explains the options that banks have for taking action and their responsibility for promoting a 'green economy'. 

Lectures on "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity" at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Contributing authors to the TEEB reports and experts from around the world teamed up to teach the concept through a graduate-level course at Yale. A series of 23 lectures divided over five modules, present the foundations of valuation of ecosystem services, dynamic interactions of people and ecosystems and their impacts on local communities,  sub-national and national policy and international agreements.

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